It’s easy to be cynical about team building. For many modern organisations, “team building” sounds like a corporate buzzword at best and something that gets in the way of productivity at worst. However, when done correctly, team building can be incredibly beneficial – particularly during the work from home era.

While the pandemic may seem like it’s finally behind us, the legacy of working remotely looks like it’s here to stay – perhaps not as a full-time situation, but certainly as a flexible alternative to working in the office every day. One of the unexpected consequences is that an increase in remote working can lead to less cohesion between colleagues. The solution? Team building.

Team building can help to improve communication and motivation while creating a great sense of community within your workplace. It helps to break down barriers between individuals and helps them work together as a more cohesive whole. While team building tasks might not seem serious, they can even help organisations to identify areas in which there may be room for improvement.

It’s also worth noting that modern team building has ripped up the rulebook – gone are the days of discussing “fox, chicken and corn” riddles, and in its place are a variety of interesting and innovative ways to help your team create stronger working bonds. Don’t believe us? Check out this list of team building events – it really might not be what you had in mind.

Virtual team building for remote workers

Just because your colleagues work remotely, it doesn’t mean team building is off the agenda. With virtual escape rooms, team exercises based on popular television game shows, wine tasting at home and more, there are plenty of ways to help your remote workers to foster greater working relations with one another.

Outdoor team building

Sometimes we learn most about ourselves when we step out of our comfort zones. If your organisation is office-based, an outdoor team building excursion could be the change of scenery you need to inspire fresh new thinking.

Treasure hunting

Whether your colleagues battle competitively or together as part of a team in these tasks, a Brighton or London-based treasure hunt is a great way to encourage thinking outside of the box. It’s also a great way to get remote colleagues together in one location.

Lord of the Swords

If your team has a penchant for Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings, a sword combat session might be just the thing to re-energise, excite and foster community spirit as your colleagues learn everything there is to know about broadsword fighting, and perhaps even pit their skills against the boss.

Team building doesn’t have to be boring

Almost all teams can benefit from bonding exercises, and with a variety of unique and interesting team building events available in the UK, now is a great time to start developing those professional relationships in a fun and interesting way. Whether your team works side-by-side in an office or logs in remotely, modern team building will always offer chances to develop colleague cohesion, which in turn helps to improve productivity and morale.